
ThunderCats 2011 Season Two: Episode Two

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Literature Text

ThunderCats 2011

Season Two:

Disclaimer – I own nothing, this is pure Fan Fiction

Episode 28- The Ghosts of the Past

It was a quiet morning in a quiet, thick forest of Third Earth. But that quiet was soon broken by the humming sound of Hovercrafts. It was Slithe and the other Generals; they were all riding the same type of vehicle they used in "Trials of Lion-O Part One", but the strange thing was it was just them. No Lizard army, no tanks, just Slithe, Kaynar, Addicus and Vultaire, no one else. Well, there was also Pumyra, who, by the way, was now sporting a new suit of armor that greatly resembled the one worn by Grune. The two main differences between them were that Pumyra's armor was silver instead of gold and was clearly more feminine and lighter in design.

Any way, the four Generals and the rogue Thundercat were soon accompanied in the air by the Storm-Charger, which could only mean that Mumm-Ra was traveling with them as well. Eventually, they all found a nice place to land, and since it was shaded enough by the trees, Mumm-Ra was free to emerge from his mobile Sarcophagus in the usual dramatic fashion.

"The source of all our troubles is within this forest, my generals, I can feel it" said the evil Mummy as he looked at his surroundings

"Are you sure, Master? There doesn't seem to be much going on in this forest. I barely even hear any wildlife" asked Pumyra as she approached the undead sorcerer

"I am absolutely sure, Pumyra, the force that attacked my Pyramid might have been different from my own magic. But it was also very similar, and that alone is enough for me to track by."

"I still don't understand what we're doing out here!" said Vultaire as he and the other Generals approached Mumm-Ra "We know who has the last stone, we know where to find them, and if we weren't wasting our time here, we could be helping to repair the fleet so we could go and retrieve it. Isn't it more important for us to…?"

But before the smug vulture could finish his sentence, he was immediately blasted flat on his back by Mumm-Ra, who then said-

"What's "important", Vultaire, is that my ancient enemy be dealt with as soon as possible before everything I have achieved since my return goes up in smoke"

"And who exactly is this "ancient enemy" of yours, Lord Mumm-Ra?" asked Slithe

"A truly powerful being, General Slithe, one who, I dare say, wields a power that actually rivals my own"

"What? Is-is that even possible?"

"…Though it pains me to say so, Pumyra, yes. That is why we must find her straight away, for as long as she is alive, all of my best laid plans are now in jeopardy!"

""Her", "she", this is a girl we're talking about?" said Kaynar with a slight maniacal chuckle "So, the great and powerful Mumm-Ra can handle Lions and Tigers, but he's powerless against some lady with a few parlor tricks? (Cackles insanely)"

However, Kaynar's psychotic joy was cut short when Mumm-Ra zapped him just like he did Vultaire. Still, Mumm-Ra managed maintain his aloof attitude as he said-

"The Thundercats are nothing more than a minor nuisance that can be dealt with at any time. But this "lady with parlor tricks" as you call her, is a very serious threat, and one I cannot allow to stand in my way for even one moment"

"(Hooping) well, if that's the case, than why only bring the five of us? Why not the entire army (hooping)?" asked Addicus as helped Kaynar up

"Because, if I am to truly destroy my enemy, I must do it with surprise, and that means keeping the group small and agile. (Chuckling) knowing her, she probably attacked my Pyramid, thinking that I wouldn't be able to track her power afterwards. Well, her carelessness is about to be her downfall. Now, come along, everyone, we've wasted enough time already, we have some hunting to do"

The five animals did not hesitate to obey their leader's command as they followed him into the thick, dark forest, especially Pumyra. However, while they were all doing all of this, even Mumm-Ra failed to notice that they were being watched from afar by a small, white dove-like bird with bright blue eyes. The small bird looked upon all of the villains with great interest, until its eyes began to glow and it decided to fly away.

Meanwhile, back at the area near the BolkinVillage, The TCats were still all pondering their next move in retrieving the last stone. Especially since they just learned that it rests somewhere in the GreatSea.

"(Moans) first the Spirit Stone was in some weird, other dimension; then the Tech Stone was on some floating city, and now the last stone is somewhere underwater?" Groaned Panthro as he and the others looked at the next Stone's current location on the Book of Omens hologram "(Sighs) just once, couldn't at least one of those blasted stones have been somewhere on the ground?"

(No doubt, Panthro has still not gotten over his fear of the water)

"Okay, we know where the last stone is now, but who has it this time?" Asked Cheetara, paying Panthro's complaining no mind

"I remember seeing in the Book of Omens, that Mumm-Ra had a race of fish creatures under his command. "Tiger Sharks" he called them. They seemed a bit wild, but were definitely strong" replied Lion-O

"Then I guess it's a safe bet that they're the ones who have the last stone" said Tygra

Lion-O nodded at this prospect, right before he said "Let's not waste another moment waiting, Panthro, get us back to the Feliner, we're leaving right now"

The old panther nodded at the young lion monarch and the TCats were soon on their way again. However, during the ride, WilyKit, Cheetara and Snarf were all quick to notice that their young leader was looking despondent…again. This time he was sitting further away from everyone else on the Thundertank's bridge and was looking, almost obsessively, at his Gauntlet and the pink power stone that was embedded within it.

This made the two female Cats and cat-creature very concerned, but their silent observing was soon interrupted by Cheetara's mate-

"Still feeling bad for Lion-O, ladies?" is what he said

"(Sighs) after what's happened to him so far, I can't help but feel sorry for him" replied Cheetara

"Me too" WilyKit added

"Uh, the bigger question here isn't why they're feeling sorry for Lion-O, Tygra, it's why you aren't?" said WilyKat as he joined the conversation

"Because he's always so dramatic about these things, Kat, and he knows that as well as anyone else. Sure, he's upset now, but I give him another day, two at the most, then he'll be back to his old footloose and carefree personality" the Tiger explained, obviously confidant of what he just said.

"Uh, you do all realize that he can hear every word you're saying, right?" said Panthro while driving.

But that was when Lion-O nonchalantly responded with-

"No he can't"

-right before he got up and walked off to a more secluded part of the moving tank. His subordinates watched him with concern while he did this, and once he was out of hearing range, Cheetara turned towards her Tiger and said-

"I hope you're right about this not lasting long, Tygra, for his sake"

However, the look on Tygra's face implied that he himself was starting to wonder.

Anyway, Lion-O soon arrived at the Cargo bay and then found a nice place to sit down as he went back to looking at the Spirit Stone in his gauntlet.

"I just can't wrap my head around it, we have two power stones and yet Mumm-Ra manages to keep us on the run with only one" the young Lion said as he looked at the pink stone "Maybe we'd have a better chance against him if you could do more than just create spirit shields! (Sighs) some times, I wonder if you're really all that useful at all"

(Clearly, Lion-O was too angry to remember that the Spirit Stone can also bring the dead back to life)

Suddenly, the Spirit Stone started glow and began to generate a mass amount of pink, spiritual energy that started to spread all over the Cargo bay. Eventually, it engulfed Lion-O and when it was all over, Lion-O was shocked to discover that he was in a vacuous, violet-colored void that glowed in a way similar to Spirit Stone.

He was a little worried for a moment, but that's when the violet-color void transformed into a different surrounding: the desert around Mumm-Ra's pyramid. However, the moment Lion-O saw the large crowd of animals that was assembled around the Black Pyramid; he knew that this could not have been present day. In fact, not only was this right after Mumm-Ra's ship crashed on Third Earth, it was the exact moment when the four Power Stones were being fought over.

Lion-O was a bit confused by all of this, but was even more confused by the fact that no one seemed to notice him. He reached over to touch the shoulder of a Dog, but ended up passing through the canine instead. It didn't take long for Lion-O to figure out that he was a ghost here, so he just stood there and watched the events of the past play out.

"Enough!" yelled a young, long-haired, Lion dressed in a black and blue uniform with a red disc on his chest "All of this arguing is getting us nowhere. We need to come to an agreement"

Lion-O was quick to recognize this Lion as his ancestor, Leo, former Commander of Mumm-Ra's forces. And standing right there next to him was his lieutenant and Love interest, Panthera.

"Look, we all know how powerful the Stones are when they're all used together. No Animal should be allowed to have that much power" Said Shen, leader of the Dogs

"That may be, but we can't just leave them all here in Mumm-Ra's ship. I don't even want to think about what could happen if we did that" said an unnamed Rat (who, like the rest of his kind, wore no yellow prison uniform like the other animals for some reason)

"(Growls) it kills me to say this, but the Rat is right" said an unnamed Tiger Shark (who, like the rest of his kind, also wore no prison uniform for some reason)

"Yes, someone must protect these stones, but not all four" said Rezard, leader of the Lizards

"Then it's agreed, we'll divide the stones among each other equally in order to protect them. But the question still remains; which species gets which stone?" said Shen

"The War Stone has already been made a part of the Sword of Omens…" said Leo as he held up his sword to illustrate his point

"…And since the Cats were the ones who forged this weapon, it seems only fair that we be the ones to guard it" continued Panthera

"(Scoffs) how fitting, the Cats are going to guard the one Stone whose only real purpose is spreading violence. Somehow that suits your kind perfectly" said Rezard with a smile, as Leo and Panthera just growled angrily at the comment

"The Birds will watch over the Tech Stone. Its power has given our people a limitless amount of ideas…for science, of course (chuckles nervously)" said the unnamed leader of the Birds

"My people will the take the "Blue Diamond", we were the ones who retrieved it after all" said the Tiger Shark leader

"Well, I guess that just leaves the Spirit Stone then" said the leader of the Rats as he approached the Spirit Stone "Well, if nobody wants it, we'll just take…"

But before the Rat could finish that sentence, the large leader of the Monkeys came charging up at him and knocked him down, saying-

"Claws off, vermin, if anyone deserves this stone it's the Monkeys"

"The Monkeys…? Ha! The Lizards were the ones who were forced to retrieve it; we should be the ones to take it!" said Rezard

"Correction, Rezard, the Lizards were the ones who found it, the Dogs were the ones who retrieved it" said Shen

"(Clears Throat) with respect, Commander Leo, I highly doubt that it would be safe to leave one of these…Barbarians in charge of Spirit Stone" said the Rat leader as he got up from being knocked down

"(Hooping) well there's no way it would be safe with you miserable rodents either (hooping)" said the Monkey leader "At least the Monkeys will be able to keep it safe in the Treetops"

"The treetops, (chuckles) how very much like a primitive barbarian. That's about as safe a place as any the Lizards would choose" said Shen

"Watch your tone, mongrel, or I'll-" said Rezard as he began to growl

"—you'll what, my Lizard friend…?" said Shen as he began to growl as well

Soon, the rest of Rezard's people started to join him in growling, as did Shen and his people, the Rats and the Monkeys. It looked like there was going to be a four-way rumble between the Lizards, the Rats, the Monkeys and Dogs.

(Commercial Break)

The four Animal species were all ready to tear each other apart, but before they could, Leo and Panthera rushed in to stop them before they went too far.

"That's enough, all of you" said the young Lion "We defeated Mumm-Ra and obtained our freedom by working together, we must not start fighting amongst ourselves now!"

The four animal leaders knew that Leo was right so they all stood down from battle, though the Lizards did so begrudgingly.

"It's clear now that the last stone is not safe with any of you" said Panthera as she grabbed the Spirit Stone and looked at the four Animal species.

"Well then, perhaps we should take it" said a voice that came behind Leo and Panthera

The two cats looked behind them at that moment and saw that it was the leader of the Elephants who said this.

"Give it to us, Leo, and I vow that the Elephants will keep it safe for all time" the lead Pachyderm said as he reached his hand out to Panthera, hoping she would give him the stone.

Leo and Panthera looked at each other for brief moment, but then, Panthera complied with the Elephant's gesture and gave him the Spirit Stone. The Rats, Dogs and Lizards all looked pretty angry about this, but it was the Monkeys who were looking particularly cheesed off. They even growled to show it.

Lion-O watched all of this from his current position and, quite frankly, he was amazed. He now knew exactly why each stone was given to its respective guardian and also knew for sure that the Tiger Sharks had the last Stone. However, he wasn't quite sure of why he was being shown all of this, so he kept watching in hopes of finding that out.

The vision then shifted to a considerable amount of time afterwards, when the Elephants were building their village. The leader was overseeing all of the construction, but half of his attention was on the Spirit Stone, which he was using as a necklace. He was just so enamored by its beauty.

Eventually, he was approached by his female right-hand and she said-

"Admiring the Spirit Stone again, Grunesh?"

"Well, can you blame me, Kali? Look at it" Grunesh replied as he showed his right-hand pachyderm the Spirit Stone "It's just so beautiful, and look what it can do…"

That's when Grunesh held the Spirit Stone up in the air and summoned its unnatural power. Soon, he was encased in a dome of pink energy, until he lowered the Stone and de-materialized it altogether.

"Marvelous, simply marvelous"

Kali showed no real signs of being impressed by this, but Grunesh didn't even have the time to notice this, let alone question it. Because, at that very moment, Grunesh heard the sound of rope breaking and saw that it was a rope being used to hoist up a large, stone block. As it fell, Grunesh shielded the Elephants beneath it with a Spirit shield just in the nick of time, much to their relief.

"…Also, it has proven to be quite useful for our people" Grunesh continued

"Grunesh, I agree that the Spirit Stone has amazing and helpful powers. But I'm beginning to think that you're becoming a bit too enamored by it" replied Kali as she held the Spirit Stone in her thick fingers "Remember, we were given this stone to protect it, not abuse its power for our own needs"

But Grunesh just grabbed the Spirit Stone back and angrily said-

"Oh, come now, Kali, do you really think that the Cats aren't "abusing" their Stone, or the Sharks and Birds with theirs? Why should my people be afraid to use the Spirit Stone's power, while all the other Animals use their newfound stones to better their lot?"

"Mark my words, Grunesh: power like this was not meant to be used in such a manner. If not used with moderation, trouble will not be far behind" replied Kali in a tone that implied she was getting angry

The female Elephant walked away after that and Grunesh just went back to looking obsessively at his beloved Power Stone. Lion-O was surprised to have seen this; the Elephants he met would never have behaved in such a manner. Regardless, the vision kept going, as it shifted to nighttime that very day, and showed Grunesh sleeping with the Spirit Stone still around his neck.

He was sleeping rather peacefully, and because of that, the lead Elephant failed to notice that someone, quietly, came into his chambers and stealthily removed the Spirit Stone from his neck. The thief made off with the precise Stone and no one even noticed the robbery. However, when Lion-O saw how the thief moved, he had a pretty good idea of who it was, or at least he knew what the thief was.

Back in the physical world, Lion-O's body was just lying where he was sitting a few moments earlier, while the Spirit Stone glowed brightly. Not unlike what happened during the Trials, actually. However, this time the young king just gave the impression that he was sleeping rather than he was dead.

Meanwhile, back in the thick forest elsewhere, Mumm-Ra and his 5 minions were still walking through the woods with Mumm-Ra, of course, in the lead. But while Mumm-Ra, Pumyra, Slithe, Kaynar and Addicus were all having no problems walking through the forest, Vultaire was having a bit of trouble himself.

"(Groans) this filth; the bugs; the mud; we never had any of this on Avista"

"Well, in case you hadn't noticed, Bird man, this isn't Avista" said Pumyra in a cold tone

"(Hooping) welcome to how we feral barbarians live (hooping)" Joked Addicus as Pumyra just smiled at it

But the duo's merrymaking was soon interrupted by Slithe when he said-

"Keep in line, all of you! We're here on business; remember?"

"Yeah, yeah, keep your headpiece on, Scaly" replied Pumyra in a semi sarcastic tone

"Watch your tone, Cat!" said Slithe, in obvious anger at Pumyra's comment "You've already died once, it can just as easily happen again"

Pumyra, however, was not intimidated, as she just looked the Lizard General in the eyes and said-

"Is that a fact?"

-before growling at him just as he growled her

"That's enough, you two! We came here to put an end to real threat, not each other!" said Mumm-Ra as he stopped (if you'll pardon the expression) dead in his tracks "And I can feel the presence of that threat, even now, we have arrived"

But Slithe and Pumyra saw nothing around them, nor did Vultaire, Kaynar and Addicus.

"Are you sure this is the right place? Because I certainly don't see anything" said Addicus as he surveyed his surroundings

"(Sniffing the air) I don't smell anything either" said Kaynar as he sniffed the area again "There's nobody here but us"

Little did the generals know, however, that there was something there, they just couldn't see it. But Mumm-Ra could sense it.

"There is something else here, I am sure of it, search the area, all of you" the evil Mummy commanded as his minions obeyed

They all went in groups of two, Slithe went with Kaynar, Vultaire went with Addicus and Pumyra stuck with Mumm-Ra. But once Kaynar and Slithe were alone, Kaynar smelled something suspicious.

"What is it, Kaynar? What do you smell?" asked Slithe

"(Sniffing) I'm not sure, (sniffing) but it smells familiar. (Sniffs) it smells like, (sniffs, then smiles wickedly) Cats"

The Jackal and the Lizard proceeded to follow the scent that Kaynar smelled after that, until it, eventually, led them to an empty clearing. There, they looked and saw what appeared to be Panthro and Cheetara; both with their backs turned towards the two Generals.

Slithe and Kaynar both smiled wickedly at each other for a brief moment, as they moved in closer to the Cats with intent on ambushing them. Eventually, they were close enough, and when that happened, they leaped at the two Cats with weapons ready and ferocious hissing and growling.

(Commercial Break)

The two generals both leapt at their Feline targets, but once they did, the duo was surprised to see that their jumps landed them in the dirt without tackling anything. It was as if Panthro and Cheetara were never there at all.

The two Generals got up, of course, and when they did, they came across a few closed flowers. Their scent somehow enticed Kaynar, at least enough to draw him closer to them. That's when they all opened at once and started to release a cloud of green-colored pollen, pollen that nearly completely engulfed Kaynar and Slithe. They both coughed in response to this and their coughing soon attracted the attention of both Addicus and Vultaire, who were not too far away from their position. But once the vulture and monkey found them, the very pollen that infected Slithe and Kaynar, seeped over to them and made them cough as well.

Slithe and Kaynar were the first to stop coughing, and when they did, they looked around and, to their surprise; they were standing face-to-face with Panthro and Tygra. Needless to say, the two generals attacked without warning, and Kaynar even snarled while doing so.

Vultaire and Addicus eventually stopped their coughing as well, and when they did, they were surprised to see what looked like Lion-O and Cheetara coming right at them. The two generals managed to fight them off, but the "TCats" were very skilled, so much so that it was hard for them to take them down. Slithe and Kaynar were having the same problem; they fought well, but the "TCats" were significantly harder to take down this time.

All of this commotion attracted the attention of Mumm-Ra and Pumyra, who also weren't too far away. They carefully approached the "battlefield" and when they did, they were surprised to see that the four generals were fighting. However, it wasn't the Thundercats that they were fighting, it was each other. Pumyra face-palmed herself after seeing this, but Mumm-Ra just looked angry and raised his hand to blast all four Generals with purple energy. After recovering from this, Slithe and the others were surprised to see that their Cat opponents were gone and the only ones there were themselves and Mumm-Ra and Pumyra.

"Would anyone care to explain what just happened?" asked Mumm-Ra in a very annoyed tone

However, the looks on the Generals' faces would imply that they didn't have the foggiest idea of what just happened.

Meanwhile, back in Lion-O's vision, Lion-O watched as all of the Elephants searched frantically for the missing Spirit Stone, with no luck whatsoever. Eventually, Kali approached Grunesh in the midst of all this searching and said-

"I don't understand Grunesh, how could you lose the Spirit Stone when you never put it down?"

"I didn't lose it, Kali, it was stolen"

"Stolen? Now, Grunesh, let's not jump to any conclusions"

"Oh, come now, Kali, we both know it's true! Who wouldn't want to steal such a powerful artifact? And when I find out who stole it, I'll-I'll…"

However, before the angry Elephant could finish his rant, he heard a very familiar voice call out to him-

"You'll what, Pachyderm? Blow your trumpet?"

Grunesh and Kali both looked in the direction of where the voice came from and saw that it was none other than the Monkeys, all of them sitting on the roof of someone else's hut, with their leader now wearing the Spirit Stone necklace.

"Looking for this, Pachyderm?" the Monkey leader gloated as he showed off the Spirit Stone in a very taunting way

"You miserable primate, give me that stone or I'll…" yelled Grunesh as he attempted to approach the head simian

"…You'll do nothing, foolish giant! I told Leo that the Monkeys were better suited for guarding this Stone, but no, instead, he chose you; a race that not only used the Stone for petty jewelry, but also could not even unlock its real powers."

That last statement made Grunesh's eyes pop wide open, for it indicated that the Monkey leader knew something he didn't.

That was when the Monkey leader held up the Spirit Stone and made it glow, which caused another pink aura to appear around Grunesh himself. Suddenly, the Elephant leader found himself floating 3 inches above the ground as the Monkey leader just chuckled in a hooping sort of way.

This left Lion-O in a state of shock; he was now witnessing a new power of the Spirit Stone, one that never even occurred to him. And the sheer strength of it was incredible, as the Monkey leader was able to hoist the lead Pachyderm up even further and then throw him aside like he was little more than a sack filled with fruit. Kali tried to assault the Monkeys after that, but, of course, she too became a victim of the Spirit Stone's power. However, this time, instead of being lifted off the ground by a pink Aura, she was left flat on her back after being hit by a blast of pink Spirit energy, yet another power that never occurred to the young Lord of the Thundercats.

All of this made the other Elephants afraid to make a move towards the Monkeys and that made the invading simians very happy.

"(Chuckles) I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you ignorant pachyderms wouldn't know the true nature of this stone" the Monkey leader gloated as he leapt from his spot on the hut roof and used the Spirit Stone to levitate himself safely to the ground. "Have you never wondered how this item received the name "Spirit Stone"?"

Grunesh had already pulled himself up by this point, but suddenly, he found himself being lifted up again.

"It's because this stone takes the spiritual energy of all living things and turns it into power" the Monkey leader continued, right before throwing Grunesh aside again "Of course, to truly use this power, one must truly understand it, which is something you Elephants have failed to do"

Grunesh looked upon the Monkey leader with anger, but the lead simian just walked away with a satisfied smirk. He then used the Spirit Stone to levitate himself again, but this time, it was so he could hover over towards his primate followers and say-

"Let's go, boys, our business here is finished"

The other Monkeys complied with their leader's orders and followed him as he levitated away. But just when it looked like the Monkeys finally got the better of the Elephants, something started to happen with the Spirit Stone. It started to glow more wildly than usual and the Monkey leader started to become surrounded with a fiery pink aura.

He didn't know what was going on, but it only got worse from that point on. The aura around simian warrior started to fire a barrage of pink energy all around him and the Monkey leader was feeling more and more discomfort with each and every blast. The Elephants and the Monkeys all scrambled for cover as the Energy blasts nearly hit a large number of them, but Grunesh just watched all of this with shock. Kali watched this from her position as well, though her reaction was less of shock and more of disappointment.

Lion-O didn't know how to react to all of this; he was witnessing the true power of the Spirit Stone, but he was also watching it bring about chaos and destruction.

Meanwhile, back in the dense forest, Mumm-Ra and his 5 minions were all standing in a vacant clearing, trying to get their bearings.

"I don't understand why we're still here, Master, we've already searched nearly every square inch of this forest. There's nobody here but us" said Pumyra

"No, Pumyra, she's here, I'm sure of it, I can feel…"

However, before Mumm-Ra could finish that sentence, he heard the cooing noise of bird and noticed the small, dove-like bird that was sitting in a nearby tree. All he had to do was take a good look at the bird's bright blue eyes, and suddenly everything made sense to him. He even finished his earlier sentence with-


-before smiling wickedly as he raised his right hand…

He was just about ready to blast the bird out of existence at that point, but before he could, it flew away as fast as it could.

"(Chuckles) that's right, my dear, run, run like the coward you are, it won't do you any good. One way or another, I will catch you" the evil Mummy said as he walked away

His followers were still at a loss though; "could this bird be Mumm-Ra's enemy?" they all thought. Regardless, Mumm-Ra just called out to them and said-

"Let's go, everyone, we have someone else's wings to clip"

Not wanting to go against Mumm-Ra's orders, Slithe and the others all followed their master as he headed back to the Storm-Charger. Though they were still all unsure of what just happened.

Meanwhile, back in Lion-O's vision, the Monkey leader was growing more and more in pain as the Spirit Stone's power began run amok all around him. Grunesh ran towards Kali to help her up, and when he did, he asked-

"Kali, what's happening?"

"Oh, I was afraid of this"

"What are you talking about, Kali?"

"The Monkey leader was right when he said that the Spirit Stone draws its power from the spirits of others. But his spirit was too dark, too greedy. The Spirit Stone was never meant to be used like this, not without a proper conduit, like Leo or Mumm-Ra's gauntlets, at any rate."

"Well, can we stop it?"

"There might be one way, if someone else with a stronger spirit could grab hold of the stone, they might be able to break the connection between it and the Monkey and put an end to all of this madness"

It was at that moment when Kali got back on her feet and gave the impression that she was going to go through with this plan. However, Grunesh stopped her in her tracks and said-

"No, Kali, this is my fault. You were right, we were trusted to guard that stone, not abuse it for our own selfish ends. If anyone should be the one to take this risk, it should be me"

Kali knew that her leader was right, so she stood down and allowed Grunesh to approach the aura enshrouded Monkey. Grunesh could feel the aggressive power surging all around him as he approached the simian, but regardless, he reached for the Spirit Stone and plucked it right off of the string that made it a necklace in the first place.

The after effects of doing this sent Elephant leader flying backwards with the Spirit Stone in hand. Once that deed was done, the Monkey leader ceased floating in midair and collapsed to ground, after the pink aura around him just vanished as quickly as it appeared. The Monkeys came out of hiding after this and proceeded to pick up their leader and leave the Elephant village with him in tow.

Grunesh watched them as they did so, but then turned his attention towards the destruction done to the Elephant village. Kali walked up to him as he looked at the Spirit Stone with grief, and she said-

"It's over, Grunesh"

"So much trouble caused by one stone, and it was all caused by that Monkey's spirit" replied Grunesh in a sad tone

"The spirit of a living thing is a powerful force indeed, Grunesh, and that makes the Spirit Stone a very powerful artifact"

"You were right all along, Kali, we were meant to guard this stone, not abuse it, and that's what we will do from this point forward" the lead Pachyderm said as he gripped the stone in his hand "Furthermore, we must learn from this day, we will embrace the power of the spirit, but never abuse it"

Lion-O smiled as he saw this, but then he was caught off-guard by a familiar voice telling him-

"—and Grunesh was true to his word, Lion-O"

The young Lion turned around and saw that the person talking to him was none other than the spirit of Jaga himself

"Jaga" is what he said after seeing the late head cleric

"After that fateful day, the Elephants dedicated their lives to detaching themselves from worldly concerns and attempted to become one with the spiritual energy that nearly laid their civilization lo" Jaga continued

"So, all this time, the source of the Spirit Stone's power was my own spirit"

"Yes, learn well from what you've seen today, Lion-O, for in the end, it is your spirit, and the power that it possesses, that will help you accomplish your goal"

And with that, Jaga vanished and Lion-O reawakened back in his own body and saw that he never left the Cargo hold. He was still trying to take in all that just happened, but then, he heard a loud thud coming from the outside and rushed out of the Cargo hold to see what the problem was.

Apparently, the Thundertank was sitting in a pass between two cliff sides and was covered on the front half by a pile of rocks. No doubt from a rockslide that he missed. Panthro and Tygra were trying to move the stones, but were having little to no success. That's when the Cats all noticed that Lion-O was outside with them and Tygra said-

"Where have you been?"

"Well, I, uh…" Lion-O started, still not sure how to explain his vision just yet

"Never mind, just help us get these blasted rocks off the Thundertank" Panthro interrupted as he continued to try and push the rocks away.

It was then that Lion-O looked down at his gauntleted left hand and smiled as he hoisted it up and proceeded to activate the Spirit Stone's power. Suddenly, the rocks on the Thundertank started to float into the air and were all blasted out of existence by the Spirit Stone, much to the surprise of the other Cats, especially when they saw that it was Lion-O who was doing all of this. Tygra and Panthro were both surprised even further when a pink aura covered them both and they found themselves being hoisted off the Thundertank and onto the ground.

"How did you…? Where did you…?" stammered Cheetara

But Lion-O's only response was—

"I guess I just learned a new trick"

After that, the TCats all headed back into the Thundertank and continued to drive off back to the Feliner.

(Episode Ends)
Since an actual Season 2 seems unlikely, i made this to fill the void (not really helping actually)

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ReBelArts-97's avatar
The "Blue Diamond" is named the Soul Stone, just fyi